This week marks the launch of the Juggling Workshop of Brigham Young University Idaho. Its a hit. With minimal advertising 15 people came. We have a few people with experience and one person with stilts! Once we get a few more pieces of apparatus like that this will become quite the spectacle. I want to see unicycles, giraffe unicycles, poi, cigar boxes, juggling sticks, and rola bolas. Then I'll be quite thrilled with where we've ended up.
Unrelated with juggling, but still cool- I tried slack lining for the first time this week. For those of you who don't know its basically tight rope walking. Yes, it is as hard as it looks. But I will not be beat by a 2 inch piece of rope! This things going down.
I had a project for my English class today. The guidelines for the project were this: create something and bring it into class. I was thinking about doing a juggling act and filming it and bringing it in. One thing led to another and I produced this. I seriously mean one thing led to another and this video just happened, no forethought, no planning.
My roommates thought I was crazy. And they're right. I shake my hands 12 times before using a paper towel.
Best quote of the week comes from Elder Packer of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. "There was a senator some years ago who tried to get the church out of the state of Idaho. Well all I have to say is he's dead! And the church is still here." And so it is.
I'm sure glad it's still here too. I won't profess to know everything about it. In fact I made a short list of things I don't know about it. Here is an abridged version.- How exactly does the power of God work? How does he control the elements or know the thoughts and intentions of man?
- What will we do for eternity? What is the end goal? Is there an end goal?
- How is it that during our lifetimes we can't remember anything before or after it? Is this a one time thing in the stretch of forever?
- How does gravity work? That's not doctrinal but I don't get it.
- What does God look like?
- God does live.
- Temples are the house of the Lord.
- God listens to me. He cares.
- God supports his messengers, the missionaries, out declaring his message of peace.
- By drawing close to the Lord through prayer and study of his word, he will bring peace to our souls.
- The Holy Spirit speaks to man as it did in the Old and New Testament times.
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind but now I see.
Shout, shout for glory,
Shout, shout aloud for glory;
Brother, sister, mourner,
All shout glory hallelujah
That's all for this week.
I love reading these! I learned a lot from them. And your class project video is hilarious!